No. 2.

Petergof, June 29-th 1914

My beloved One,

It is very sad not to accompany you - but I thought I would better remain with the little Ones quietly here. Heart & soul are ever near you with tenderest love & passion, all my prayers suround you - I am therefore glad to go at once to evening service when you leave & to-morrow morning at 9 to mass. I shall dine with Anna, Marie & Anastasia & go early to bed. Marie Bariatinsky will lunch with us & spend her last afternoon with me. -

I do hope you will have a calm sea & enjoy yr. trip wh. will be a rest for you - you need it, as were looking pale to-day.

Shall miss you sorely, my very Own precious One. - Sleep well my treasure, - my bed will be, oh, so empty.

God bless & kiss you. Very tenderest kisses fr. yr. own old



This online edition was produced due to the gracious contributions of Nancy Batey, Julie Moscinski, Andrea Cotton, Dominic Albanese, Sam Robinson - and one sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous.

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