The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Aleksandrovskii Dvorets-Muzei v Detskom Sele (The Alexander Palace-Museum in Detskoe Selo)
by V. I. Yakovlev

Vol.1: 208 pages, Vol. 2: 560 pages

Published: 1927

Genre: Non-fiction

Publisher: Izdanie Upravleniya Detskosel'kimi i Pavlovskimi Dvortsami-Muzeyami

Languages: RUSSIAN

ISBN Hardcover: No hardcover edition available

ISBN Softcover: Predates ISBN system

Print Status: out of print

Aleksandrovskii Dvorets-Muzei v Detskom Sele (The Alexander Palace-Museum in Detskoe Selo)


A complete, interior and exterior description of the Alexander Palace. Illustrated with photographs and plans. 


Volume 1: exteriors and technical equipment -- phones, elevators, etc. (published 1927, 208 pages)

Volume 2: interiors (published 1928, 560 pages)


Original publication limited to 1000 copies. 


(Title in Russian: Александровский Дворец-Музей в Детском Селе)

A combined facsimile edition of both volumes was printed in 2010 -- see below for links.

unique features:

A level of detail and description unsurpassed by other volumes on the Alexander Palace. Virtually everything - from the colors of the paint on the walls to the furnishings in each room and corridor - is inventoried.

similar to:

Nicholas and Alexandra: At Home with the Last Tsar and His Family

in my opinion:

A rare and precious resource for insight into the home of Nicholas II and his family.

where to find this book:

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

Book Finder

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