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Dnevniki Imperatora Nikolaya II (Diaries of Emperor Nicholas II)
by V.P. Kozlov (editor)


Published: 1991

Genre: Documentary

Publisher: Obrita

Languages: RUSSIAN

ISBN Hardcover: 5852100242

ISBN Softcover: No softcover edition available

Print Status: in print

Dnevniki Imperatora Nikolaya II (Diaries of Emperor Nicholas II)


Diaries of Tsar Nicholas II, 1868-1918, illustrated with black and white plates.

(Title in Russian: Дневники Императора Николая II)

unique features:

The most complete text of Nicholas's diaries available.

similar to:

Poslednie Dnevniki Imperatritsy Aleksandry Fedorovny Romanovoi

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this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

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