The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

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Povsednevnaya Zhizn' Rossiiskogo Imperatorskogo Dvora: Detskii Mip Imperatorskikh Rezidenitsii (Everyday life of the Russian imperial court : The world of children in the imperial residences)
by Igor' Zimin


Published: 2010

Genre: Informational

Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf

Languages: Russian

ISBN Hardcover: 9785227024107

ISBN Softcover:

Print Status: in print

Povsednevnaya Zhizn' Rossiiskogo Imperatorskogo Dvora: Detskii Mip Imperatorskikh Rezidenitsii (Everyday life of the Russian imperial court : The world of children in the imperial residences)


From the publisher:

This publication describes in detail about education of children in the royal family, the daily environment of monarchs - State ladies, maid of honor, valet and servants, about everyday living conditions of monarchs. A lot of the little-known information, will undoubtedly be of interest to curious readers.
(Title in Russian: Повседневная жизнь российского императорского двора. Детский мир императорских резиенций. Быт монархов и их окружение)

unique features:

similar to:

Tsarskie Deti (The Tsar's Children)
Le Tsarevitch, enfant martyr (The Tsarevich, child martyr)

in my opinion:

where to find this book:

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this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

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