The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Le Tsarevitch, enfant martyr (The Tsarevich, child martyr)
by Eugenie de Grece


Published: 1990

Genre: Biography

Publisher: Perrin

Languages: FRENCH

ISBN Hardcover: No hardcover edition available

ISBN Softcover: 2262007594

Print Status: out of print

Le Tsarevitch, enfant martyr (The Tsarevich, child martyr)


A French biography of Aleksei Nikolaevich, illustrated with 16 pages of black and white photographs. Includes source notes and bibliography.

Table of contents:
1. Heureux petit drand-duc
2. Le tsarevitch hemophile
3. Raspoutine entre en scene
4. L'apprentissage du futur tsar
5. Les vacances du tsarevitch
6. Celebrations officielles et souffrances privees
7. 1914
8. Influence grandissante de Raspoutine
9. Alexis s'en va't'en guerre
10. La mort du startez
11. L'abdication
12. La prison de Tsarskoie-Selo
13. Le voyage vers la Siberie
14. Tobolsk et son ambience
15. Alexis reconte
16. Separation des Romanov
17. La correspondance entre Tobolsk et Ekaterinbourg
18. Le depart vers la mort
19. L'attente de la mort
20. La mort

unique features:

Includes Aleksei's diary from January to March of 1918, and a series of letters exchanged by the imperial family during their separation in April and May of 1918 that have not to my knowledge been printed elsewhere. Also contains a handful of rare photos, and a diagram of the layout of the governor's mansion in Tobolsk.

in my opinion:

Worthwhile for the unique documentary evidence mentioned above.

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

Book Finder

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