The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Taina Tsarskikh Ostankov (Mystery of the Tsarist Remains)
by M.E. Chupyakova (editor)


Published: 1994

Genre: Informational

Publisher: Sredneuralskoye Knizhnoe Izdatelstvo

Languages: RUSSIAN

ISBN Hardcover: No hardcover edition available

ISBN Softcover: 5752906334

Print Status: in print

Taina Tsarskikh Ostankov (Mystery of the Tsarist Remains)


An examination of the nine skeletons exhumed from the Koptyaki Forest in 1991.

Illustrated with two maps as well as 16 pages of black & white and color photographs.
(Title in Russian: Тайна Царских Останков)

unique features:

A primarily forensic view of the remains, from a Russian perspective.

in my opinion:

Recommended for dedicated readers fluent in Russian due to the specialized forensic vocabulary. 

where to find this book:

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this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

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