The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Tsarskoye Selo: The Imperial Summer Residence
by L.V. Bardovskaia


Published: 2005

Genre: Photo album

Publisher: Alfa-Colour Art Publishers

Languages: English (other languages available)

ISBN Hardcover: 5947950715 (English edition)

ISBN Softcover: No softcover edition available

Print Status: in print

Tsarskoye Selo: The Imperial Summer Residence


A photo-history of the imperial parks & palaces of Tsarskoye Selo from Empress Elizabeth to Nicholas II. Illustrated with photos – both vintage & contemporary - and paintings of the architecture, furniture, and landscape. Primarily color illustrations.

unique features:

Large, high quality reproductions of photos and paintings depicting Alexander Park & Palace, and Catherine Park & Palace. Emphasis on vintage artwork and contemporary photography.

similar to:

Aleksandrovskii Dvorets (Alexander Palace)

in my opinion:

Gorgeous! However, readers whose primary interest is the Alexander Palace under the reign of Nicholas II might be disappointed, as Tsarskoye Selo is a broad historical view of the park & palace complex.

 For a book focused solely on the private wing of Nicholas and Alexandra, I recommend Nicholas & Alexandra: At Home with the Last Tsar and His Family

where to find this book:

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

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Alexander Palace Book Finder