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Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Freyliny i Kavalerstvennye Damy XVII- Nachala XX Veka (Ladies-in-waiting and Maids of Honor XVII – Beginning of XX Century)
by E. F. Vasyutinskaya


Published: 2004

Genre: Photo Album

Publisher: Khyudozhnik I Kniga

Languages: RUSSIAN

ISBN Hardcover: No hardcover edition available

ISBN Softcover: 5-901685-85-7

Print Status: in print

Freyliny i Kavalerstvennye Damy XVII- Nachala XX Veka (Ladies-in-waiting and Maids of Honor XVII – Beginning of XX Century)


A lavishly illustrated chronicle of imperial ladies-in-waiting and maids of honor.

(Email for interior photo-montages.)

(Title in Russian: Фреылины и Кавалерственные Дамы XVII - Начала XX Века)

unique features:

Rare photos of people, documents, imperial orders, and personal possessions.

in my opinion:

where to find this book:

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

Book Finder

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Alexander Palace Book Finder