The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Under Three Tsars
by Elizabeth Narishkin-Kurakin


Published: 1931

Genre: Memoir

Publisher: E.P. Dutton

Languages: English (translated from the German)

ISBN Hardcover: Predates ISBN system

ISBN Softcover:

Print Status: out of print

Under Three Tsars


A memoir by "Madame Zizi," friend and lady-in-waiting to Alexandra Fedorovna.
50 illustrations.

unique features:

While most imperial memoirs focus solely on the last tsar, Narishkin-Kurakin's account offers a broad perspective, spanning the reigns of Alexander II, Alexander III, and Nicholas II. Also, one of the less maudlin and more critical accounts.

similar to:

Six Years at the Russian Court

in my opinion:

My least favorite imperial memoir, mostly because the tone struck me as oddly detached and impersonal. Also, a number of pivotal scenes were not witnessed by Narishkin-Kurakov herself, but later described to her afterwards by the participants. For myself, I prefer more first-hand recollections and private anecdotes.

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

Book Finder

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