The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Murder of Grigorii Rasputin: A Conspiracy that Brought Down the Russian Empire
by Margarita Nelipa


Published: 2010

Genre: Informational

Publisher: Gilbert's Books

Languages: English

ISBN Hardcover: no hardcover edition available

ISBN Softcover: 978-0-9865310-1-9

Print Status: in print

Murder of Grigorii Rasputin: A Conspiracy that Brought Down the Russian Empire


A re-examination of the murder of Grigorii Rasputin with an eye toward confronting the many persistent myths still surrounding the case. Includes information on the role of the Russian aristocracy and British Intelligence in the crime, and also examines the burial and exhumation of Rasputin's remains.

Supplemented with annotations, appendices, and 142 black & white photos.

unique features:

Draws information from a number of previously unpublished Russian primary sources (such as newspapers, diaries, depositions and Duma documents) translated by the author.

similar to:

Prelude to the Revolution: The Murder of Grigorii Rasputin

in my opinion:

where to find this book:

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

Book Finder

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