The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

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Pravda o Grigorii Rasputine (The Truth about Grigorii Rasputin)
by A.N. Bokhanov


Published: 2011

Genre: Biography/Documentary

Publisher: Russkii Izdatel'skii Tsentr

Languages: Russian

ISBN Hardcover: 978-5-4249-0002

ISBN Softcover:

Print Status: in print

Pravda o Grigorii Rasputine (The Truth about Grigorii Rasputin)


From the publisher:

The book is about one of the most mysterious and most famous person not only in Russian, but also in world history - Grigorii Rasputin. The author presents the true details of the biography of the Siberian peasant, the reasons for his public fame, the actual role of this man in history. One of the purposes of the investigation is to determine how and why a "black legend" about Rasputin appeared, who started and spread it, why gossip and rumors replaced the actual facts becoming "reliable" documents and "indisputable" evidence. The edition is complemented by works of Grigorii Rasputin.
(Translation by
Illustrated with 48 pages of black & white photos.
(Title in Russian: Правда о Григории Распутине)

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Murder of Grigorii Rasputin: A Conspiracy that Brought Down the Russian Empire

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this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

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