The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

Gibel' Tsarskoi Sem'i (Death of the Imperial Family)
by Nikolai Ross


Published: 1987

Genre: Documentary

Publisher: Posev

Languages: RUSSIAN

ISBN Hardcover: 3-7912-2021-7

ISBN Softcover: No softcover edition available

Print Status: out of print

Gibel' Tsarskoi Sem'i (Death of the Imperial Family)


A collection of 277 documents from the collection of General Mikhail Diterikhs on the investigation of the murder of the imperial family, spanning 30 July 1918 through 21 February 1920.

Illustrated with 105 black & white images (maps, photos, documents, etc). Also includes index, table of contents, and supplemental criminal code detailing specific regulations that applied to the investigation.
(Title in Russian: Гибель Царской Семьи)

unique features:

Testimony by guards and members of the suite (such as Volkov, Chemodurov, Letemin) not found elsewhere. Also, scarce images of the Ipatiev house exterior and the investigation of the Four Brothers mine shafts.

(Some documents and depositions are duplicated in Ispoved' Tsareubiits,Ubiistvo Tsarskoi Sem'i, and Robert Wilton's Last Days of the Romanovs.)

similar to:

Ubiistvo Tsarskoi Sem'i (Murder of the Imperial Family)
Ispoved' Tsareubiits (Confession of Regicide)

in my opinion:

Recommended primarily for scholars and/or collectors fluent in Russian.

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller with assistance from Margarita Nelipa

Book Finder

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