The Home of the Last Tsar - Romanov and Russian History

Alexander Palace Time Machine - Book Finder

File on the Tsar
by Anthony Summers & Tom Mangold


Published: 1976

Genre: Non-fiction

Publisher: Harper

Languages: English

ISBN Hardcover: 0060128070 (original publication)

ISBN Softcover: 0006338260 (revised edition)

Print Status: out of print

File on the Tsar


A thoroughly researched investigation into an alternative theory about the fate of the Romanovs.
A revised edition was published in 2002. 

unique features:

At the time, the first critical appraisal of the Sokolov investigation into the Romanov murders.

similar to:

Fate of the Romanovs

in my opinion:

Though their research was groundbreaking in its day, the discovery of imperial remains in Koptyaki forest and subsequent DNA tests have contradicted Summers and Mangold's survival theories.

Still a worthwhile read in spite of its flaws.

please let us know if you have discovered other sources for this book

this book profile was written by Sarah Miller

Book Finder

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